23 June 2010

The Beggining of My Travels

The start of my fellowship began with a flight to Amsterdam on Sunday the 6th June. I have never flew to Holland before and I new there was a lot of water there but I was amazed to see just how much. The guy who I had gone to meet, Henk Horlings, told me that much of Holland is below sea level and if the sea rises too much then Holland will disapear. I hear a lot of people say that Birmingham has more canals that holland, well on this evidence I find that hard to believe. just in case you are wondering, there is a time delay on my postings. I have had difficulty in finding internet connections and because the hospitality, friendship and kindness that I have encountered have been overwhelming I just havn't had time.

01 June 2010

dummy post

This is the first out of the traps